100% Pure Java

At the center of the JSuite are the ProtoView Editing Components.  In addition to the Date Edits, ProtoView also includes Combo Box, pvChoice, Currency,  Numeric, Password and Time.  

For form management, the JSuite also includes the TabJ.  TabJ can be customized to meet the requirements of any Java application.  In addition to properties for tab style, colors, fonts and borders the TabJ support images and tab placement. 

These components complete the JSuite and also provide a single toolkit from which to create the User Interface for any Java application. 

Top 1% JARS Review

Combo Box

Provides developers with a drop-down input box that can contain any of the JSuite editing components (Numeric, Currency, Time, Mask, Edit Text Date Edit Long and Date Edit). 


Provides developers with a drop-down input box that can contain any of the JSuite editing components (Numeric, Currency, Time, Mask, Edit Text Date Edit Long and Date Edit) or any standard Java component from the JDK.  This component uses additional windows for the drop-down and includes images and multiple selection not found in the standard combo box.

  • New! Multiple or single selection. 
  • New! Automatically searches for the closet match to text inputs when editing.
  • New! Images in drop-down lists.
  • New! Any object (in addition to strings) can be used as an item in the list.


Use any currency symbol, strings, up to four decimal places, thousand separators (the thousand separator can be any character) as well as upper/lower limits. 

  • New! ToLimit property: set the value to limit if it exceeds limits during keyboard entry.

MaskEdit & Edit Text 

Accepts a variety of input strings, use the MaskEdit to create masked input fields for Social Security, phone, telephone and customer. 

The Edit Text component can create input text fields with a number of display options not found in the standard Java toolkit.

  • New! Public methods for cut/copy/paste for clipboard operations. 
  • New! Columns property: preferred width measured in the number of characters.
  • New! MaxLength property: maximum number of characters to enter.
  • New! Length Action Event: this event is fired when the maximum length of the field is reached.
  • New! UseLocale property: automatically configure Currency, Date, Numeric and Time components to a particular locale. 
  • New! Increased support for non-English keyboards and International locale.
  • New! Increased performance with layouts.
  • Enable undo on the last keyboard operations. 

Numeric Edit

Supports null values, floating point numbers, thousand separators, range validation, decimal places, strings, upper/lower limits and e-power numbers. 


Take advantage of the UI display features found in the JSuite for creating password fields. This component supports:

  • Digits Only.
  • Echo characters.
  • Minimum/Maximum character lengths.
  • Standard Password Strings.

Static Text

Take advantage of the UI display features found in the JSuite for creating labels and text boxes in Java applications. 

Time Edit

Can display the current time, can be used as an input field or operate as a timer with start/stop functionality. Display options include 12/24 hours, AM/PM strings, custom separator and seconds display. 

  • Delta (increment/decrement time by number of seconds). 

Spin Buttons

The Spin Buttons can be attached to any of the Editing Components and use a "delta" value for incremental increases or decreases. 

SpinPlus Buttons

Uses an integer constant to automatically create & attach an instance of the currency, date edit, date edit long, numeric or time. 


This flexible tab control is the perfect addition to your Java development toolbox. 

The TabJ supports:

  • New! Images in tabs.
  • Various font and color styles. 
  • Choose from rounded or square tab styles. 
  • Variety of shadow and border styles. 
  • Scroll options include; scroll by tab or scroll by page. 
  • Tabs can be placed either on top or bottom of pages. 

Image, Round & Square Buttons

Create smooth, sleek multi-push state ("explorer" style) buttons. Both round and square buttons can include images in button faces. The Image Button can also be set to be displayed as a checkbox. 

  • New! FocusRectAroundText property: draws the focus rectangle around either the text or the entire button.
  • New! Text Alignment property.
  • New! Increased performance with layouts.
  • New! Support for new focus rectangle property found in the button component.

All Components Feature

Supports over 70 user interface display options including: 

  • Variety of shadow styles. 
  • Multiple border options. 
  • Aureole Effect: highlights any font with an outline display effect. 
  • Formatted, odometer or exclusive LED displays. 
  • Enhanced keyboard & mouse handling. 
  • Improved painting & performance. 
  • New caret methods for controlling the cursor. 
  • Null data support.

All JSuite components come with both JDK 1.02 Classes and JDK 1.1(1.2) JAR files and are available with Source Code.

The JSuite Is Written Using 100% Pure Java!


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User Stories & Reviews

The JSuite has been featured in a number of features and reviews. Here is just some of what the press is saying about it:

"ProtoView's JSuite is an ideal present for people complaining about the
lack of quality third-party components for Java...the amount of properties
available for customization is impressive...while evaluating JSuite, I found
it to be an extremely well designed and stable component collection
that will significantly speed up user interface implementations."

- Java Pro, Review

"With ProtoView's release of JSuite, they have successfully raised the bar
on usable JavaBeans...They are rich in features and have a lot to offer
any Java developer."
- Java Developer's Journal, Review

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This page was last updated Thursday, February 24, 2000.